Community Radio Consultation Workshop – Shaping the Future of Key Commitments Reporting

In preparation for our submission to the Ofcom consultation on Key Commitments reporting for community radio, I’ve set up a set of workshop sessions to explore how we can protect and enhance the principle of social gain for community radio, as defined by each station’s key commitments.

If any Better Media members can help out with the sessions, do let me know, otherwise it will be great to see you at one of the four events. Tickets are available via the link in the blog post below.

I’m hoping to reach out to civil society organisations, public service providers, and other stakeholders who haven’t been consulted about the need for inclusive and democratic media in some time.

I’ll keep you updated with feedback in the members section.

Ofcom-Consultation-on-Key-Commitments-Reporting-Briefing-Paper-001-2024-04-11.pdf (121.7 KB)