It's The Media, Stupid: Post-Election Policies for Media Reform

It’s The Media, Stupid!
Post Election Policies for Media Reform


10.15-11.00 - Registration Coffee, tea and biscuits

11.00-12.00 - The Media and the Election
Dorothy Byrne , Head of News and Current Affairs Channel 4
Professor Dominic Wring , Co-Director Loughborough University 2019 Election Survey

12.00-1.00 - The Press: Ownership, Regulation and Ethics
Louisa Bull , National Officer, Unite’s Graphical, Paper, Media and IT Sector
Nicholas Jones , author and former BBC Industrial and Political Correspondent

1.00-2.00 - Lunch Break
We will not be providing lunch. There are a number of places to eat close to the conference venue.We will provide a list of them on the day for conference participants.

2.00-3.00 - Broadcasting: Regulation and Impartiality
Dr Tom Mills , Vice Chair Media Reform Coalition and author of
“The BBC: Myth of a Public Service” (Verso, 2016)

Sian Jones (President, National Union of Journalists)

3.00-4.00 - Policing Propaganda: Democracy and the Internet
James Mitchinson , Editor, The Yorkshire Post (tbc)
Peter Geoghegan , Open Democracy speaker (tbc)

4.00-5.00 - Looking Forward: Policies for Media Reform
Dr Justin Schlosberg , Media Reform Coalition
Granville Williams , Editor MediaNorth


If you want to book your place (£10.00, conc £5.00) for the Leeds conference on
8 February send a cheque, payable to CPBF(North) , with your name, address and email to:
CPBF(North), 24 Tower Avenue, Upton, nr Pontefract, West Yorks WF9 1EE .

Or you can pay by bank transfer to:
CPBF(North) at the Cooperative Bank,
sort code 08-92-99
account number 65796090
Ref ‘Leeds Conference’
but please post or email with your details.

For further information, please contact CPBF(North) by phone at 01977 646580 or 07790958270 , email: or write to CPBF(North), 24 Tower Avenue, Upton, near Pontefract, West Yorks WF9 1EE