I attended the Ofcom Workplan 2025/26 session on Tuesday at Riverside House.
I managed to ask a question about how Ofcom will continue to monitor the BBC’s PSM role in the context of the cuts to BBC Local Radio.
I also managed to raise the issues of the role of local media as being examined in Ofcom’s Local Media Review.
Siobhan was very helpful, and indicated that they are willing to receive submissions on an ongoing basis related to their work.
I’ve summarised some discussion points in a blog, in relation to the principles of ‘social gain media’, that I will work up into a submission from Better Media about expanding the review so it goes beyond transactional news and information, which it is limited to at the moment.
Ofcom are looking to produce the final report by the summer of 2025, which will go into the Mid-Term Review of the BBC, and probably the charter renewal process as well.
The process for being involved in the Local Media Review is not transparent, so if anyone has any links to anyone involved, it may be worth asking if they can make representations on our behalf.
Best wishes