Following the departure of Rowan Gavin, our one-day a week worker, Better Media is being coordinated and effectively managed by a “team” of three individuals: Josef Davies-Coates and Gareth Lowe, the co-founders, and Rob Watson, of Decentred Media. At present, it is not easy to see who is coordinating this member-led project when looking at our online presence. Currently it is necessary to navigate to the joining page of the organisation to see who is coordinating. Even then, the individuals are listed as “admin”, and Gareth Lowe, Josef Davies-Coates, and Rowan Gavin, are listed.
I propose that the public and member facing websites for Better Media more transparently reflect the current coordination of Better Media, by:
- Making the coordinators more visible on our online platforms.
- Removing Rowan Gavin from the “team” and adding Rob Watson to the “team”.
- Renaming the “team” as “Coordinators”, rather than “Admin”.
Please reply topic to this if you are a member, or contact me by e-mail (; unless there are any objections, the coordinators will implement this 21st March.